(2010.Jun.25 06:05 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Jun.25 06:03 PM)DirkDanja Wrote: [ -> ]Hey tommi can you bring me a baconator
I can bring me another one and say I forgot yours. It's the thought that counts, right?
Thats cold bruh...
Those are possibly the best burgers Wendy's has to offer
i want a baconator also. as far as crunchy goes, idc if he's back or not. but i'd like to take the time to thank you crunchy for the thousands upon thousands of exp you gave me during your stay in fed

We can't have any baconators cause tommi won't share

lets ask zen for a baconator contest. see who can eat the most bacon without taking a trip to the hospital?
i think all of seven laws needs to be fedded an additional 6 months for letting numbnuts back into their gang.
(2010.Jun.25 06:29 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]i think all of seven laws needs to be fedded an additional 6 months for letting numbnuts back into their gang.
I think you should suck my balls...sir
well none of you got a long enough sentence for being involved with the theft of credits. so zen should fed you all for 6 - 12 months or longer and delete emoscams account.