(2010.Jun.25 02:45 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]You could just look at the ID number and see it was likewoah that took the screenshot. Also for all noobs who don't know about the biggest AL scandel of ALl time.
Cruncyblack found a credit hack, stole credits equal to if he had donated 100k+ real money to the game. Donated them to his gang and sent a mass mail saying he has received a huge promotion and they were welcome to his credits. Crunchy mailed Zen about the hack and told her how to fix it. Most members of 7-laws mailed Zen about the suspicious credits in the gang too. But a few of them got greedy and decided to start using them anyway. A couple of them through credit refreshes and massive end boosts gained the top stat spots over night. When Zen woke up she fixed the hack, reversed all gains made by 7 laws during that night and fedded crunchy. Then Brug got a hold of the picture posted it in the forums and there was a huge outcry about 7 laws being "cheaters" for using stolen credits they didnt know were stolen. So Zen put everybody that used the stolen credits in fed for a week. And now it looks like she has let Crunchy out after 13 months.
brugada didnt post that pic
it was originally divinemayhem who created the thread with the pic
it has sinced been removed
and now brought back
My bad, I just assumed it was brug because he had access to all forums and saw it.
anyway, enough of that. I want to know whats new with you guys, who has left? who is still powertripping thinking they are boss? where the heck is shadowguard

(2010.Jun.25 02:36 PM)MrJones Wrote: [ -> ]I can have a very good guess about who took that screenshot... they might not be too impressed to realise they left their gmail account open
"They" posted it son.
(2010.Jun.25 04:47 PM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ]anyway, enough of that. I want to know whats new with you guys, who has left? who is still powertripping thinking they are boss? where the heck is shadowguard
not sure why zen lets losers like you out of fed and back in the game. GTFO
He served his time...now move on
no that cant happen dirk, brugada got personally hurt by what i did.... If he wasnt getting angry over this, well, whats the point of him living.
he was a cheating idiot and always will be. is zen that desperate for players that she allows any fedded player to donate their way back into the game. Sad!
lol, you sound like a broken record brugada, is your pea brain not able to come up with anything more original than the usual "she let him back in cause he donates" argument.
if you have an issue with zen's decisions, confront her, dont come spreading hate on the forums. Or you can do us all a favour and stfu or gtfo.
well you missed a lot slapnuts. i do what ever the _fuck i want. its been proven several times that is the deal she makes, upon other deals.....dumbass_