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(2010.Jun.25 07:56 PM)DirkDanja Wrote: [ -> ]25713 {7}Laws MysticalFairyBread 25 169 Hospitalized by Brugada.
You've hosp'd let it go
Give the guy some time back into the game
I'm sure the only reason he attacked you
was because you're attacking him here
Let the past live in the past should be fedded again.
well your bitching about it isnt gonna change anything. If im such a thieving hacker then why are you wasting your time, i'll try hack or thieve again and be banned. then you can say, oh yeah i was right. until then, stfu?
Thats your opinion and your entitled to feel however you wanna
All I'm saying is the guy served a fed sentence already, if Zen feels as if he needs to go back than I'm sure she'll place him in there...until than let dead bones rest in peace
Woopyt effing doo. I'm drunk so I don't really give two twats, but I"m sure I'll regret it in the morning! Yeehaw!
bottom line emo is a thieving scammer who should be zapped and dusti needs a few more drinks and post boobie pics. but not for that __f ag __ emo to see.
I DO need more drinks! Unfortuantely I am out of alcohol.

I need to convicne the bf to drive 20 mins into town and get more. Think I can convince him? Maybe if I show him my boobies? Hmmmmm
I'm game for drunk hot chicks showing tit ties

I'm in Detroit for the night. I'll just pick up the most expensive Hooker I can find and own her boobs for the night
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