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Full Version: unfedded?
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Name User Class:
Human Member
User Level: 42
Gender: Male Signed Up: June 1, 2007
12:46:20 pm Last Active: May 25, 2010 7:57:53 pm Last Action: 2 seconds ago Online: Online Days Old: 1088
Location: Downtown Decatur
Friends: 48
Enemies: 76 Referrals: 4
Physical Info Health Status: Fair Condition Gang: Ajax © 2010 AWAKENEDLANDS.COM
gained a lot of exp off him when he was fedded. welcome back con
why does a multi get to come back?

how much did he have to pay in RL dollars?
If you make a multi, you get a year.
I actually always tought he was Dekarr,s multi, got fed'd at the same time as the whole al bot youtube thing

Why un-fed'd?
(2010.May.25 09:34 PM)JakeBlues Wrote: [ -> ]I actually always tought he was Dekarr,s multi, got fed'd at the same time as the whole al bot youtube thing

Why un-fed'd?

I second that inquiry!!
Why not ask Con himself.........and get the real story......

Close thread
I never knew con, but I was under the impression that, with him changing his name to 'thefallen", he created a multi as "self forced retirement". I don't care enough to mail him, if he want's his epic tale told I'm sure he knows where this thread is
Point taken.......He won't though.........
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