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and . . .

Name: TRIADBOY [16137]
User Class: Human Member
User Level: 30
Gender: Male
Signed Up: November 14, 2007 4:47:39 pm
Last Active: May 23, 2010 11:10:54 am
Last Action: 2 days 20 hours 32 minutes 30 seconds ago
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Days Old: 924
Location: Downtown Decatur
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Health Status: Healthy
Gang: X London Triads UK

and SuperDave too . . .

Watch Out Inpace Twisted
I understand con, but the other 2 haven't served there time yet. It's too soon, fck that.
Im tired of being your trail donkey!
But Zen still won't release TadakatsuHonda [11373], I'm pretty sure this guy has been in Fed Jail since I started a year ago, the fact that he still logs on warrants his realease imo. Anyone know why he is in btw?
If I remember correctly, he requested that he be put in fed jail. It was his only way to self-regulate. lol
Oh so "asked for it" should be taken literally, I thought it was sarcasm.
(2010.Apr.05 05:02 AM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Apr.05 04:47 AM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]I thought he literally asked to be banned as a form of retirement.

no, I forget the whole deal, but I think he was temp banned for logging onto a friends account, then it turned into a huge drama fest and he mailed zen asking to be banned. Then got on the forum and begged to be let back in. I think zen just had enough. I forget the details.

Here's an archive link if your interested

I kinda said the same thing a while back. Here's his thread
Thanks nugs, shit that was from Oct 2008 and this guy is still logging on, geez if anybody should be let out.
Federal Jail Inmate #600
Federal Jail Inmate #1094

Unfedd this little guys Rolleyes
Still weird.
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