On April 1, 2007 the existance of a new race within the Awakened Lands was brought to light. A handful of cyborgs sharing a singular hive mind, who through some means have evolved into another race, be it by defective cyberware or some other unknown device came from the Underground hell bent on destruction of our fair city.
The Awakened Lands National Guard stepped up to the challenge and fought valiantly to rid us of this dreaded scourge. Their losses were great, but they saved Decatur that night from total destruction. The cybernetic organisms retreated to their abode within the Underground, the hive mind declaring that they would soon return.
In this reporters opinion, we have not seen the last of these cyborgs and I only pray they do not return anyday soon. But rest assured they will, and when they do, I hope that all will join in beating them back to the Underground.
*** This has been some backstory/fiction for an event I am planning on running once a month. Anyone interested in participating or who would like to know more about it, feel free to mail me ingame. ***
Scouts sent to the Underground have returned with bitter news. The Cyborgs are preparing for another invasion. We cannot say when they will strike, but it looks as though they will be ready within a week. All Awakened Lands residents are asked to take up arms, or lock yourselves indoors. They, no doubt, are still brooding from their most recent loss and will be seeking revenge as well as new "recruits" to assimilate this time. Be prepared!!
*** To be a part of this upcoming event, please mail me ingame. To those who have already expressed an interest, contact me and we will discuss a good time and date to hold the event. Thanks! ***
:massivegrin: Yes we can all work together for a Change. Lets all prepare and get your AK-97 out
*** Cyborg Invasion: Rules of the Game ***
Going to go ahead and post the rules for the Cyborg Invasion event, this way everyone has ample time to familiarize themselves with how to "win". All rules will be subject to change after each event takes place, depending on the difficulty and number of participants, these changes will be posted in advance of the next scheduled invasion.
1. A post will be made to this thread stating that the Invasion has begun, at which time all participating members will be known as Cyborg.
2. For the first hour of the event, players goals are to defeat each cyborg twice. If each cyborg in the event is put in the hospital twice within the first hour, the event will cease and the AL Players will be deemed the winners.
3. If each cyborg is NOT defeated twice within the hour, all cyborgs will begin attacking again, and the timer restarts.
4. If after 3 hours, all of the cyborgs are not defeated twice in an hour, the Cyborg team will be declared the winner and the event will cease.
5. Do not stand idly by! If you are online during the event, you may be attacked by a cyborg, however, cyborgs will limit their attacks to player within +/- 5 levels of their own. We ask that the players do the same, however you are not required to do so. (In the event that a higher level player would have to hit the lowest level cyborg to win the event, this is more than acceptable)
6. DO NOT, I repeat, do not war with the Cyborg gang. Players taking on the rolls of the cyborgs are from many different gangs, and after the event, will want to go back to their home gang. If we are declared upon, expect your gang to be repeatedly attacked until you surrender or are destroyed. This is to protect the players who are volunteering their time to help run the event. Just don't do it. The only reason we are ganging together is to make the number of cyborg defeats easy to track, and be able to declare a winner.
7. A scoreboard will be kept in this thread stating each teams number of wins. (The event will happen once a month, but may be subject to change depending on popularity of the event)
8. If you would like to play as a cyborg, please mail me ingame. Do not think that just because you are lower level that you will not be accepted, we want cyborgs of all levels so that all players can participate.
9. Finally, this event is about having fun! Any players found to be ruining the fun for everyone else will be harshly punished after the event is over. If you do not wish to participate, send me a mail when the event begins and I will make sure the cyborgs ignore you.
I hope that this event can bring everyone together and show just how tactical our players can be, regardless of gang or level. It should be a blast!
Do we have to contact you to be on the human side of this event?
Do we get anything for hospitalizing the most Cyborgs? Some kind of prize?
Nope. Just be online. =] The rest will work itself out. And as far as prizes, nothing! sorry. blew all my cash on slotting out the gang. maybe next time.
Will the players that have volunteered to be cyborgs have "Cyborg" in their name or some thing? Just so we know who is who.