I think two teams should face off against each other. No one but the flag holder knows who has the flag. Each gang has the option to "capture the flag" when attacking a gang member they're facing. If they pick the right person, they get the flag regardless of stats. If not, they get nothing. You can pass the flag to your other gang members to keep it's location secret (just like sending an item) or you can jump districts to try to run from the attackers. The team who has both flags for the longest period of time wins (most likely the gang with most players active for that time period).
The gangs would have to be relatively close in strength though or else the stronger gang could just hospitalize the other gang as soon as they get both flags.
I think there should be a Awakenedland World War Theres Two Huge armies(Two Sides) but Zenith has to choose the Side Fairly and The winning should get so sort of prize
That would be cool.

Eaglefreak Wrote:IF someone goes to jail, they "hold" it while in jail and if someone busts them out, that person then gets the flag
Also adding to that, the player who holds the flag in jail can only get attacked by other players in jail. I can just imagine some one comitting a hard crime on purpose, then going to jail, attacking the flag holder, retrieving it and then bailing/busting out. Now that is wtfpwnage!

if you put that five level limit on CTF like it is on wars...it would work...you might want to use a script to select teams and determine the highest player is within five levels of the others...
Just to clarify one of the rules for cyborg, there is not a level limit for citizens, only for cyborgs... This is to give the players an even chance, considering the cyborg event is organized while the players have to pull together to ensure a victory.
Any reports on cyborg activity?
Or have they gone dormant?
After two defeats, I imagine it will be a few weeks before they are ready to try attacking again... of course thats just speculation.
The way i see it, twith the current war going on, it would be a great time....
Scouts have been dispatched from Downtown to Underground to check on cyborg activity... We should know more once (or if) they return.