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Not sure how it would really map out yet though. Any ideas?


Start everyday off by randomly selecting people to be on blue and red teams then maybe make an attack option that says capture the flag, if you defeat your opponent you get a capture point and some xp.
After you get 3 points from the same person you get the flag, but if that person or any person from the other team attacks you before you get three then you lose those points.
The team at the end of the day with the most captures get +.01 humanity?

Just an idea to get your mind thinking!


Well, if you've ever looked at HoboWars, each player is randomly set to a District team upon creation. You could set it up with each day/week every player regardless of gang status, being set to a district team (2-3 teams) then either run a count of kills for that day/week on opposing districts (based on level differences) or have a crime to "steal the flag" and a status window showing who is currently holding it, then at that point whoever can beat the flag holder captures it. The side with the most time holding the flag at the end of the day/week wins. =]


that capture the flag idea is better, you could have an icon to show a flag next to the person who has the flag. and whichever team holds it the longest wins.


not to be a negative ninny, but the strongest person in the game could just grab the flag right away and keep it till the end. just bringing up that point.
Is anyone really unbeatable now?


To prevent that you could have the flag holder have really low. Defensive stats from holding the flag, plus no weapon bonuses!


yeah, i would say holding the flag prevents you from holding a weapon, and the 'flag' is a low damage melee weapon.
and what if you go with your flag to prison or hospital?


well, you can't goto hospital as whoever beat you/you got your butt kicked by would get the flag. I'd say either make it so you can't commit crimes with the flag, or you drop it if you commit one, and "steal the flag" comes back to the crime section if you drop it.
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