Hi Wook, please teach people the ancient art of being [/insert unpleasant pause] funny.
(2010.Feb.11 12:48 PM)Druchii Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Wook, please teach people the ancient art of being [/insert unpleasant pause] funny.
Unfortunately Dru, it's something that can't be taught... you either have it, or you don't. I see people don't even bring their "A" game in here anymore...
(2010.Feb.11 01:40 PM)w00k Wrote: [ -> ]I see people don't even bring their "A" game in here anymore...
Yeah. I try to disappoint as much as possible.
(2010.Feb.11 01:45 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Feb.11 01:40 PM)w00k Wrote: [ -> ]I see people don't even bring their "A" game in here anymore...
Yeah. I try to disappoint as much as possible.
Imagine how your folks must feel.......
I however believe one can be unlearned the unpleasantries of having no sense of humor while still continuing to post top notch lame jokes.
I still cling to George Carlin's words, "I am, as opposed to those you meet at work _every_ day, a professional comedian."
everyone has their own sense of humor. you sound like dr. fucking phil, dru.
Dude you cant say phucking in the forums. There are fucking children in here!
fuck em.
apparently you can say fucking but not fuck.
(2010.Feb.11 02:04 PM)Druchii Wrote: [ -> ]I however believe one can be unlearned the unpleasantries of having no sense of humor while still continuing to post top notch lame jokes.
I still cling to George Carlin's words, "I am, as opposed to those you meet at work _every_ day, a professional comedian."
and may he rest in peace the great man.......