Here's an example
Gang name: Balzar's Gang
Size: 10 members
Gang Reputation: 3
At the curent reputaion, the maximum increased payout is of 15% and the minum is of 10%
5 members have 500 days in the gang, 3 have 350 and the other 2 100 days.
They spent 300 gang points/reputation(respect) points to activate the bonus for 5 days.
The oldest members are more likely to see a 15% bonus money from their crimes than the ones who are 100 days old. The latters will more likely get 10% bonus money from their crimes while the other 3 will get an average of 12%-13% increased payout.
Also, their reputaion rating cannot exceed a certain number depending on the gang size.
A gang with 5 slots cannot get a reputaion higher than 2, which equals a max 10% increased payout, while a 25-29 slots gang can get a max 35%/40% increased payout which coresponds to a max Gang Reputation rating of 6, for example
(2009.Nov.11 04:25 AM)shadow55 Wrote: +1, i like that, but i think reputation should be gained a different way otherwise dominating gangs will just get the most, therefor getting the most money, therefor making it even harder to catch up
u should have waited to post my example

..i didnt want to make a single long post
And yes, it may be true what u are saying;
Also a limited number of reputation points can be earned a day. i cant think of other ways of getting these points other than warring and succeding the moment
Maybe members can get random points while they are doing crimes? and when they reach the limit of points for that day, it stops