(2009.Oct.15 04:38 AM)Howlsong Wrote: (2009.Oct.14 07:39 PM)ClosedCasket Wrote: How about a different school with different classes in every district
That is actually an interesting idea... 
hmm.. . interesting... It would solve the balance issues caused by having all classes available to all levels... (i.e. dd would be mostly combat stats and maybe a few end/int boosts while the higher levels like Midlan or the beach would be either mostly end/int/rep or the combat stats would be meaningful (5000 pts or more) to players at that level)
And if class progression were based on spending time in the district, it would get some people out of dd (not that being in 1 place is a bad thing, but really there are about 20 people in midlan at any given point in time)