Busting people
2006.Dec.19, 01:18 AM
Post: #11
Now that the contest is over there is like 10 people in jail at a time with no-one to bust them... including me!!
2006.Dec.19, 02:50 AM
Post: #12
I thought I busted you

If God is our father, you thought, then Satan must be our cousin
2006.Dec.19, 07:51 AM
Post: #13
Um congrats to the winners, far better busters then I, that's for sure!
2006.Dec.19, 08:16 AM
Post: #14
i tried busting people but i never was quick enough, so in the end i gave up pretty fast lol

you guys have busted insanely much lol, maybe ill try catch up with your busting stats later when i dont depend on cash from crimes that much

Key to success: "Dress everyday like you're gonna get murdered in those clothes.
2006.Dec.19, 02:49 PM
Post: #15
I usually will bust someone but was needing the crimes cash to pay someone back. When I saw the contest, had to try at it, couldn't let someone take my spot at most busts! To who I owe, sorry it will take me at least one more day to repay! Smile

If God is our father, you thought, then Satan must be our cousin