I actually managed to bust someone, but it is practically impossible now! What is up, is it supposed to be a 1/10 long shot?
ps, yes I know they made it harder, but this hard??
so far i dont hav a prob.yes it is more difficult but not that hard
ok, well I'm about 2 for 10 and every bust attempt has been less than 2 hours. considering I have an eight hour bust. I'd say that it's a lot harder.
I'll go with a lot harder. On the plus side, the chance of getting caught when busting seems the same. What seems different is that some of the success percentage has become cops are too close to start.
I have 5 so far.
Lostangel Wrote:I'll go with a lot harder. On the plus side, the chance of getting caught when busting seems the same. What seems different is that some of the success percentage has become cops are too close to start.
I have 5 so far.
yes i agree. i dont seem 2 get caught.just always say the cops are too close...
I've been trying to let my AP build up cause it usually gives me a cops are too close 3 or 4 times before I actually bust them out
This is absolutely insane. I get sent to jail, immediately click "The Farm" button, and there's a new event: somebody had already tried to bust me out. Not two seconds after I'd been caught. I go back to the jail page and another event: another failed bust attempt. I go back to the jail page again and try to bust myself out, and I get the message, "You can't bust out of jail when you're not in jail!" Someone had just busted me out a split second before I clicked the button.
Three bust attempts. I'm out of jail in less than ten seconds.
This is crazy.
I have somewhere in the area of 20-22 busts, to give y'all something to shoot for. Unfortunately for me, I have to go for the day. Good luck to whomever wins!
So anyone else think they have a shot or anyone else try to? I have busted quite a few but I don't even think I have gotten as many as Lostangel. I was out for most of the day but I went ahead and tried. Anyone else?
I think I've got somewhere in the 30's