your full of shit zen
2009.Apr.15, 03:31 PM
RE: your full of shit zen
Post: #121
(2009.Apr.15 03:09 PM)JohnnyB Wrote:  
(2009.Apr.15 02:58 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote:  i just want to put it out there that zenith most likely gets about 100 mails a day, and when there is a lengthy question or issue, it might be troublesome to get back to it. however, i have never experienced this issue. i still remember when i offered suggestions when i was level FIVE, zenith made the appropriate changes within an hour. she doesnt discriminate, and does her best to make the right decisions in a timely manner.

err does this as well. in fact, just yesterday i found out about a multi account, mailed err, and he fed jailed the player within 3 minutes. these people act as fast as they can, and if u dont get answered quickly, they are busy. maybe they're working on new crimes, new skills, new weaponry, new career skills, updating code, fixing calculations, or something else that helps the game, so... chill?


my bad!!

You attacked and hit for 761 damage against their hideout! Too bad nobody cares!
2009.Apr.15, 05:47 PM
RE: your full of shit zen
Post: #122
i'm one of her favorites.

kick the real world in the sac
2009.Apr.15, 06:15 PM
RE: your full of shit zen
Post: #123
I already knew that. Ninja

Support your local 81

(ºº) Biffi ----->

I own inpaces left nut. See here.
2009.Apr.15, 06:15 PM
RE: your full of shit zen
Post: #124
My events list tells me that everyones attacks are working just fine lol
2009.Apr.15, 06:59 PM
RE: your full of shit zen
Post: #125
(2009.Apr.15 06:15 PM)TheMace Wrote:  My events list tells me that everyones attacks are working just fine lol

2009.Apr.15, 07:55 PM
RE: your full of shit zen
Post: #126
(2009.Apr.14 09:36 PM)NastyFO Wrote:  how did drek become a substitute for s#*t?
Drek is a slang term popularized by the cyberpunk genre, originally created and pioneered in the Shadowrun universe, (FASA), upon which awakenedlands is loosely based

"It takes only one drink to get me drunk. The trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth." George F. Burns
2009.Apr.15, 10:49 PM
RE: your full of shit zen
Post: #127
Look, Randomlands. In chronological order :

Scorpious overpowered loss 26 7 949 1,128 220 272
Scorpious overpowered loss 66 12 1,453 1,252 420 203
Scorpious leave win 35 10 1,449 616 322 217
Scorpious leave win 29 11 1,418 927 198 220

The guy's inactive, so clearly he hasn't changed in the past 4 days. Sometimes I do 1449 dmg, sometimes I do 949. Sometimes he does 616, sometimes he does 1453. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose.

It's not a code flaw per se, it is the way the game is intended. I understand that it might be frustrating, I'm in the hospital for 58 minutes. But this random factor puts a little spice in an otherwise pretty repetitive game.
2009.Apr.16, 12:20 AM
RE: your full of shit zen
Post: #128
(2009.Apr.13 01:04 AM)emocakes Wrote:  
(2009.Apr.13 01:00 AM)redz28 Wrote:  how long ago did you say you would look into my problem?about a month ago(if not more),,,right??...when did you mail me with any kind of answer? never not once,,,your code is flawed...instead of coming to me telling me this ,,,i have proven it over and over...not once have you tried to contact me telling me any info....your a i suspected all along....your the most dis honest person i have met in a long have had plenty of time to figure it out,,,so dont feed me a could care less,,guess money does talk in this game...just like when bigjoe donated $200 and got caught doing a crime,,,you were the 1st to try to bust him out...because you had noticed he donated $200 in 5 mins(he was on the pc at my house when that happened) i witnessed it happen(look at my sig,,its from that day) farging sad really...its all about money to you...i asked you awhile back to look into something that wasnt right...look up my have never tried to contact me about it...i have mailed you about it,,but you have never got back to me...yes im calling you out in the forums for everyone to see...cause i just dont care...people should know that you dont either...its all a money game to you...too bad a admin,,,when did you actually look into the flawed code?

:o no he didnt!

ohhhh yes he diiiiiiid. LOL.. someone pissed in his cheerios this morning.
2009.Apr.16, 09:00 PM
RE: your full of shit zen
Post: #129
if it was up to you i'd be dead now

i'll let the world know hater
you a coward, you could never be live
until you die, i see the muthaf'n bitch in ya eyes
2009.Apr.17, 01:08 AM
RE: your full of shit zen
Post: #130
(2009.Apr.13 11:40 PM)zenith Wrote:  Sometimes I forget things. It never hurts to remind me.

Concerning your original question via mail, as with everyone else who complains that their attacks aren't registering the normal damage that they are accustomed to, it could be several things...
  • The new belts are quite powerful.
  • Defensive skills counter combat skills.
  • The various variables in combat that are temporary such as career bonuses and gang bonuses can lead to different results than you are used to.
I looked at your logs and don't see anything out of the ordinary. Sometimes randomness is just that, randomness. There are only 5 attack records in the database, and each one seems to show you getting stronger.

defensive skills dont counter attacking skills...i have 2 ranks in every defense skill,,yet i have not seen a reduction on the big crits ive been hit with,,,or that i resist more..actually i havent even seen an improvement with my 5 ranks in axe,,,the new axe btw is just a copy of the longblade...but i guess you already knew couldnt even code up a new axe and forgot about it in you copied the new longblade and passed it off as a new axe

shows me getting stronger? no bonus 200 damage,,used the bous like 6 times and still 200 damage?tell me how the code isnt flawed? and how come you never even said a word to me in return?...miss il look into it ?

yes i brought this into the forums for all to see,,,not for everyone to reply too

guess esl counts for 90% of the AL im not suprised