abysmalpoptart Wrote:i still think there should be minor permanent bonuses. for instance, if you're a level 15 or level 20 doctor, you should have a reduced hospital time of 5 minutes every time you're put in the hospital, regardless of points. i mean, FFS, you're an expert doctor, you should be able to give some input to the nurses, right?
military get an automatic +1 or +2 to a certain stat because its just straight up rigorous training (i'm thinking res or strength, and works in combat only). either this, or a bonus to ranged damage, like a 5% bonus.
martial artists get a bonus to dexterity, or at least a bonus to dodging, maybe an extra level or 2 to combat evasion (in combat).
construction workers get a permanent bonus to melee weapons or strength.
manufacturers automatically get a boost to belts, even above the charge they are currently at, in battle. either that, or the charges wear down slower when you're wearing them
politics you get reduced jail sentences and sometimes even avoid jail times when busted for crimes
athletics get a slight bonus to HP in battle, maybe +50 hp, because they tire less easily and can endure long battles
explosives guys ... maybe another bonus to damage with ranged weapons? or possibly a higher chance for critical, like +2.5% chance for a critical hit with a ranged weapon.
science gets an automatic reduced time with borging, and if you are a cyborg, you heal SLIGHTLY faster (happiness and health) since you know how to handle electronics more
... yea 
keep in mind that these ideas are for PERMANENT bonuses that are earned when you reach a career promotion milestone, like level 15 or 20. and if you ask me, thats perfectly reasonable. if someone gets 3 careers at level 20 for a 5% bonus in dmg, 5% bonus in resistance, and +2.25% critical hits or whatever, and someone else gets level 30 in explosives and spends the rest on accuracy (what would that be, like an extra 20-30 levels in acc, if not more?), then it would sort of even out in the long run. that right there would take years to achieve, too
What about Engineering? I wondering about the increase of power to plan the next war, i mean, we can spend some career points to increase the attacks in the next war. That means, the attacks against hideouts, are bigger than normal, and what happen if i spent 200 or 1000 career points to plan the next war? what happen if 10 or 20 members spend the same value of career points? will increase the damage that high? I don't know if im being clear.