Ban Hammer ?
2009.Jan.18, 10:39 PM
Post: #61
names that i got away with.
im sure theres more but thats as far as i could rember going with it.i think i won 25k for the UshChokesOnBigRod you do hold a good argument there sk
2009.Jan.18, 10:46 PM
Post: #62
Ushchokesonbigrod, lol

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2009.Jan.18, 10:49 PM
Post: #63
So then why did SK get his priviledge revoked for such a minor name change????
2009.Jan.18, 10:50 PM
Post: #64
Not an in-game admin, they had their reason I am sure. he normally gives people plenty of reasons to enforce the rules on him.

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2009.Jan.18, 10:52 PM
Post: #65
Well, in that case (people are going to be upset with me now for saying this) it is a major failure on admin's part in allowing some to do it and not others.
2009.Jan.18, 10:54 PM
Post: #66
You think they are playing favorites?

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2009.Jan.18, 10:57 PM
Post: #67
I'm saying he should have had it reinstated. I doubt he sat back and said nothing and waited to post it on the forums only. Just seemed they dropped the ball bad there. Maybe others recommended it and everyone agreed then. Who knows? I am not a mod in this game or an admin in any game so I am unable to say what goes on behind the scenes and how decisions are made here.
2009.Jan.18, 10:58 PM
Post: #68
sk is my boy,but ill be the first to tell ya he has outburst.dude is insane multiple personalities. Twisted Twisted Twisted
2009.Jan.18, 11:02 PM
Post: #69
Outbursts, OCD, Schitzo, whatever does not matter. Was he changing his name every 24 hours and 15 seconds (or however long it would take him to type it)? Now if proof can be shown he was abusing his priviledge everyday then I would say he should lose it. But, since he was not I say he should have it back.
2009.Jan.18, 11:04 PM
Post: #70
Scorpious you are so opinionated, you should own your own game.

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