Weathers Wrote:Scorpious Wrote:But saying that SS is directed at somebody is kind of stretching it. Now, if the name/description said SS against Val or SVs or JBs or any other gang or person then I would say it is directed specifically. Otherwise, I say let the children name themselves what they want.
Although, Romper Room or Barney's Friends might be more of an appropriate name for them.

So you'd be cool with me starting a gang called 'death to jews, non-whites, and disabled people'.
Because that is what that name represents. I know that everyone else is so cool that nothing offends them and everything on the internet or in a game is hilarious, but that doesn't mean some aren't offended.
That is kind of extreme. That would be bad. I totally missed what the description was. However, I still feel if it was just the name and saying we are the SS then no biggie. Can somebody send me what the actual description was? THanks. If it said something to the point of "we are going to hit anyone having to do with "'death to jews, non-whites, and disabled people'" then I say I need some better gear so I can join in on the bounty.
But, like Slim said bounties are good. No spitefulness directed at anyone when it is a bounty hit.