Thor Wrote:Inactive hunting does prevent a ton of whining though 
So true, but again- it's another point I've never truly understood. If someone hits me as I come online and offers stims, I refuse every time- I mean hell, why cry over something that's part of the game? I get treated like a punching bag by pretty much everyone, but that's life- I'm not the strongest around, and will take my share of hits. But, as when I retired, if I'm not playing I don't want to still be around as an XP source, I don't personally agree with that.
A stasis where you can put your character would be good- remove ability to use forum, or log into the game at all- if you log in, you're automatically put back in the database. Or have the shift to retirement district automatic after 3 months inactivity, and upon logging in- you're returned.
I think inactives shouldn't be XP sources, period.