Remnants of the Storm -
2008.Sep.03, 07:06 AM
Remnants of the Storm -
Post: #1
So we finally heard from Conrad, he's (and his family are) OK but no electricity for a few weeks and staying at a friends who just had their electricity hooked back up because they live close to a hospital. Fearthereaper is still MIA – for those that mocked him (Conrad)when he asked for donations – he was sincere because he lives there and went through it the first time.
2008.Sep.03, 07:09 AM
Post: #2
I sent him my cc#
2008.Sep.03, 07:14 AM
Post: #3
I can't tell if this is serious, or if Conrad's cats have been stolen..
2008.Sep.03, 07:16 AM
It is serious
Post: #4
look, he's in the middle of it!!! get real!
2008.Sep.03, 07:19 AM
Post: #5
God damn. I just got attacked. Sad
2008.Sep.03, 07:19 AM
Post: #6
why is this topic called Remnants of the Storm ?.. whats does Remnants of the Storm gang have to do with this matter please tell?

our great war is a spiritual war

our great depression is our lives...
2008.Sep.03, 07:24 AM
Post: #7
go back to scamming elsewhere and leave topics like this alone
2008.Sep.03, 07:30 AM
Post: #8
Get the brick out your ass and grow up. Maybe Conrad should have taken a different approach rather than ask for AL cash.
2008.Sep.03, 08:00 AM
Post: #9
Ive been through about 5 major hurricanes myself. They are no joke. Can someone send me money please?
2008.Sep.03, 08:05 AM
Post: #10
There ya go. 1 knife, to catch flying coconuts(or dogs, whichever suits you), a pack of beef jerky(distract the hurricane somehow..Or chew on it yourself), and a dollar..($1 burger at a fast-food place that might still be there?)

So nice as to give him such wonderful gifts, and he makes a smart comment. So much for being gracious. Sad