Sniper skill
2008.Jul.30, 11:03 AM
Post: #51
LordSkie Wrote:I've got to say, I don't understand people's opinions on donations here.

This is a FREE online game. DONATIONS should be just that- a donation to help the game. You're lucky enough that big rewards are offered to donators.

The sad thing is (and yes, all you donators will surely blah blah it) is that you just can't be competitive without being a heavy donator. And it's unlikely to change drastically. But christ, is it so bad to look at a couple of alternatives to give non-donators or minimal donators SOME light in the tunnel?

Look at raf. THE most active player in AL, and has been playing at least 10 hours a day for nearly 2 years solid. He'll never touch loki or wook, who have put in a fraction of his hours (I'm sure you're both pretty active, but neither of you have done anything compared to him).

Now does he female doggy and moan that YOU guys get all the advantages, and his activity doesn't measure up?

How about all the younger kids and hard up mortgage payers that simply CAN'T afford to donate anything more than $10 a month, if that? They're also consigned to the pit of mediocrity.

You're treating any kind of help given to non-donators like it's completely unfair, like you MUST donate to have any kind of power in the game. I think that's completely wrong, in my opinion. As long as it takes someone at least 6 months to get a sniper skill up high enough, I don't see a problem with it giving them a chance at doing ~200 damage for 10% AP to a high ranked player, maybe at the trade off of having to equip a sniper rifle (which has a high acc req, obviously) which doesn't do a great deal of damage in normal combat. Hell, some weakling snipes you- just hosp them, right? Hardly changes the fact you guys are a million miles ahead of the pack.

Instead of putting down every single idea because you want to have your donators playground, remember that you're not the only people playing.

*edit* one last thing, ever heard the tale of the fully armored knight that got killed by a boy throwing a stone?

Goes to show that anyone, no matter how powerful, can still be hurt in a battle.

I agree.The only exception being the bad loser tag of hosp the lil ones.I want challenges,i'd applaud some gang that systematically took me down.Grats to them.Its not going to make me cry.Yea i have 22 endurance , you could say ive donated.I truly believe that pvp and gang warfare should be different components of the game.Still intertwined with the pvp side but different.

You cannot compare a navy seal in pvp versus a sniper.But decide to attack his gang hideout where he lies in wait and bang its all over.It does not take as long to train a sniper irl as it does to train a navy seal.The navy seal needs intensive training in every aspect , from fitness to combat.The sniper just needs a steady nerve and a good eye.
2008.Jul.30, 11:06 AM
Post: #52
biffbaffboff Wrote:I truly believe that pvp and gang warfare should be different components of the game.Still intertwined with the pvp side but different.

That makes a lot of sense...
2008.Jul.30, 11:06 AM
Post: #53
2008.Jul.30, 11:07 AM
Post: #54
Biff what does that mean man explain better for me please really tired
2008.Jul.30, 11:08 AM
Post: #55
w00k Wrote:P.S. The login page says registration is free, not being at the top is free.

The login page also says this

You are like many citizens of the land, struggling to make your mark in the world. Will you become the next superstar athlete? Perhaps you will become the world's greatest street fighter. Or will you join the ranks of an underground organized crime unit and go against the establishment?

This offers hope to all the mediocre players.
2008.Jul.30, 11:11 AM
Post: #56
OK back to the topic let sum it up. The sniper thing would be great. But you need High Acc, any weapon WILL do just certain weapons would increase your hit percentage, The higher your skill more chance of hitting and more damage dealt, Can't hit players in the same district, Did i leave anything out?

But their is one that they fear. In their tongue it is nova-king, DRAGONBORN!
2008.Jul.30, 11:14 AM
Post: #57
Pvp in wars should be different.

When out of war the attacks are leave mug etc.Its 1v1 and in no mans land.On the street away from safety and away from your gang friends.

In war when gangs war each other your going to stick together , coordinate an attack.You have the safety of the hideout to work from.You are aware of an imminent attack from a player so your awareness is sharper.You would in rl place people with different skills into different tasks.

Thats the damn difference :roll:
2008.Jul.30, 11:15 AM
Post: #58
not any weapon will can i snipe you with an axe????it has to be a rifle,,let me try to shoot you at 500 yards with a pistol not going to happen either.make it a million dollar rifle to make wook happy about the money,make it skill rank 5 to make wook happy about time spent.hell just get rid of a great idea just to make wook happy.
2008.Jul.30, 11:17 AM
Post: #59
redz28 Wrote:not any weapon will can i snipe you with an axe????it has to be a rifle,,let me try to shoot you at 500 yards with a pistol not going to happen either.make it a million dollar rifle to make wook happy about the money,make it skill rank 5 to make wook happy about time spent.hell just get rid of a great idea just to make wook happy.

Please see Marlo.
2008.Jul.30, 11:17 AM
Post: #60
Can we quit making this a 'who's pee-pee is bigger' thread and get back to the idea..? I like the idea..All ideas need tweaks, though, and flaunting your junk isn't making the tweaks happen..
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