(2010.Sep.19 02:09 PM)TheHorse Wrote: What makes you think that hit?
[psychobabble] Your mannerisms, values, and outward transgressions are quite contradictory. From disliking the hospital code to "abusing" it as you so described. From being actively part of a large gang to making a smaller gang of merry men to claiming to flying solo to not so solo. Quite hypocritical, it seems, to the point you are possibly hiding some real life issues, most likely born from your childhood experience, or lack thereof. From accepting and growing up in the system, to suggesting possible changes, to now attempting to single-handily take control of the game dynamics. You have created for yourself an interesting and complicated world with an even more interesting and complicated group of followers. Timing is everything and, perhaps, you waited for the right moment to impart your "change", much like many leaders gaining their position. Perhaps this was your strategy or it was sheer luck. However, your desire to dismantle what many viewed, at one point, as the top gang in AL further strengthens the notion that you lacked attention to yourself early on, that you have insecurities, and you have finally come to the realization that you can overcome your shortcomings through your actions behind a computer screen and in this lovely world called AL. So, be it as it may, you are complicated or just merely hiding from your own realities. [/psychobabble]
Nah, you're perfectly normal.