The Fourth of Gymboree!
2008.Jul.02, 04:28 AM
Post: #81
How about you are only ejected if you are attacked and lose, that way several players could attack a higher member without fear that they would be evicted when they lose.

No hospitalisations for the loser, if you attack and lose you stay in the district but have no HP and run the risk, If attacked and lose you are kicked out the comp and find yourself downtown

All competitors to start with the same amount of HP?

Conrad attacked the Wranglers and Lost.

Fighting Phish since 2007
2008.Jul.02, 04:49 AM
Post: #82
Quote:How about you are only ejected if you are attacked and lose, that way several players could attack a higher member without fear that they would be evicted when they lose.

Then you could always attack that person and since you get the first hit eventually you could defeat them giving you an unfair advantage.

I really like this whole PvP thing "NOT!" but if you are going to do it everyone needs the same wep and amour. Try to make this fair as possible.

Hey Loki,Wook,Rafel can I join your team?
2008.Jul.02, 04:56 AM
Post: #83
Mock8800 Wrote:[quote]
Then you could always attack that person and since you get the first hit eventually you could defeat them giving you an unfair advantage.

bearing in mind attacking a higher powered player would leave you with 0 HP and wide open for someone else knocking you out. A retaliation by the high powered player for instance.

Conrad attacked the Wranglers and Lost.

Fighting Phish since 2007
2008.Jul.02, 08:18 AM
Post: #84
Here is more,

If high level player takes on some low level players, they would win, but their HP will goes down with the more battle he initiated! Now, a average level player would have a good chance to retaliate with the beserk option.

The thing is, leve 40s and 50s player wouldn't even take the slightest damage from the 10 to 20 players. I say, this contest has to be done by level range. Just to make this more competitive.

Level 60 to 30 -> in one district
Level 01 to 30 -> in a different district

2008.Jul.02, 09:08 AM
Post: #85
Correct but you need to divide it into three groups.

level 60 to 30
level 15- 30
level 01-14

You must remember at the lower teens you can't really attack someone higher then you and win. And then winner of each group compare their overall damage dealt/taken with the other winners and the overall best player wins the competition thus all levels have the same chance so Loki and Wook if teamed up would eventually hurt each other "just used them as an example."
2008.Jul.02, 09:09 AM
Post: #86
Correct but you need to divide it into three groups.

level 60 to 30
level 15- 30
level 01-14

You must remember at the lower teens you can't really attack someone higher then you and win. And then winner of each group compare their overall damage dealt/taken with the other winners and the overall best player wins the competition thus all levels have the same chance so Loki and Wook if teamed up would eventually hurt each other "just used them as an example."
2008.Jul.02, 09:26 AM
Post: #87
I agree with the same armor and weapon. Sort of like the jail busting. No lower levels are going to join if it's just a contest for the rich to get richer and gain a bigger advantage in the game.
2008.Jul.02, 09:40 AM
Post: #88
iceman2020 Wrote:I agree with the same armor and weapon. Sort of like the jail busting. No lower levels are going to join if it's just a contest for the rich to get richer and gain a bigger advantage in the game.

its not really just about the same armor/weapon thatll beat someone. stats also play a part in it. u want everyone's stats the same too?
2008.Jul.02, 09:54 AM
Post: #89
Promathia19 Wrote:
iceman2020 Wrote:I agree with the same armor and weapon. Sort of like the jail busting. No lower levels are going to join if it's just a contest for the rich to get richer and gain a bigger advantage in the game.

its not really just about the same armor/weapon thatll beat someone. stats also play a part in it. u want everyone's stats the same too?

i think he meant it should be completely even and just be luck
2008.Jul.02, 10:02 AM
Post: #90
Zen could make a special weapon and armor as the souveneir for those who join the contest. The stats of the weapon will be adjusted after the contest to something meaningless.

Here is some idea I had in mind.

Gun - Firework Launcher
This gun that would only works on July 4th. All the Gun skill can be apply to this Launcher
Melee - Flaming stick
This stick is used to perform magic show. All the melee skill can be apply to this stick

Composite Armor - AL 800
These materials are designated to provide unique strength and/or corrosion properties at elevated temperatures (i.e., greater than 1000°F). Major attributes include properties such as high strength, high creep resistance, resistance to softening, or resistance to metal loss at high temperature from oxidation, sulfidation, or carburization.

Firework Goggle.
