the breakdown of enemies
2008.Jun.17, 01:02 PM
Post: #21
ok im lost SK out
2008.Jun.17, 01:04 PM
Post: #22

8:50 pm BlackHand attacked you and lost.
2008.Jun.17, 03:01 PM
Post: #23
08.June.17 - Made the enemy list show the top 5 ACTIVE enemies instead of the old-timers.
2008.Jun.17, 03:03 PM
Post: #24
Most Added : SHADOWGUARD, ChiefEagle, Ushanewnewba, ThorOdinson, badmanbren(friends list)

Most Added Active Enemies : CarlWeathers, SHADOWGUARD, GoCryToMommy, livershot, CptSpeedy(enemy list)

Member of Comunità di Sant'Egidio
2008.Jun.17, 03:21 PM
Post: #25
holy shit im not far from being on the most hated list

Enemies: 54
:shock: :shock:
2008.Jun.17, 03:22 PM
Post: #26
ShadowKid Wrote:holy drek im not far from being on the most hated list

Enemies: 54
:shock: :shock:


Member of Comunità di Sant'Egidio
2008.Jun.17, 03:24 PM
Post: #27
lol :x
2008.Jun.17, 04:01 PM
Post: #28
I just added SG as an ennemy. May he be both good and evil.

8:50 pm BlackHand attacked you and lost.
2008.Jun.17, 04:13 PM
Post: #29
Nice, I'm in good company. If I didn't hate those other guys so much I'd suggest we start a gang together. Every plot needs an antagonist.

Damn, only 3 behind SG. I have an idea:

The armed forces are dumb!
2008.Jun.17, 05:10 PM
Post: #30
grabtindy Wrote:I have an idea:

The armed forces are dumb!

Awwhhh, what a cutie pie. You sounded so sweet when you said that, I'll have to add you to my friends list!