why do all the 20 plus slot gangs war
2008.May.07, 06:06 PM
Post: #71
That thread has become ridiculous.

It is part of the game, live with it.

IF some could make it, the others can too.

I mean, if you play a shooter, do you complain that there should be less amo?

Or an RPG, complain that quests are too hard?

Come on.

8:50 pm BlackHand attacked you and lost.
2008.May.07, 06:28 PM
Post: #72
Gornikel Wrote:That thread has become ridiculous.

It is part of the game, live with it.

IF some could make it, the others can too.

I mean, if you play a shooter, do you complain that there should be less amo?

Or an RPG, complain that quests are too hard?

Come on.

i do recall that you can run out of ammo in a shooter and theres all sorts of guides that give you tips in an RPG but when your faced against a big mean gang that you have no possible way of beating and then their members who out lvl you by say 40 to 10 start t hospitalize you how the hell are you gonna stand a chance and to be honest i think it sucks that a gang full of lvl 30 players can even declare on a gang full of lvl 5-15 players who most of them have only been playin for maybe 4 months vs players who have been here for 2 yrs
2008.May.07, 06:30 PM
Post: #73
DirkDanja Wrote:i do recall that you can run out of ammo in a shooter and theres all sorts of guides that give you tips in an RPG but when your faced against a big mean gang that you have no possible way of beating and then their members who out lvl you by say 40 to 10 start t hospitalize you how the hell are you gonna stand a chance and to be honest i think it sucks that a gang full of lvl 30 players can even declare on a gang full of lvl 5-15 players who most of them have only been playin for maybe 4 months vs players who have been here for 2 yrs

You did not even read what I wrote.

And, like stated before, war is war.

The USA can declare on any country, and do you think all those countries are stronger?

Life is hard, deal with it.

8:50 pm BlackHand attacked you and lost.
2008.May.07, 06:37 PM
Post: #74
never said they should not be able to declare just think it a coward move to

i rather see them actually have competition even as a 7 man gang i would not declare on a 3 or 4 what the purpose
2008.May.07, 06:41 PM
Post: #75
What's the purpose of a playing a game where you can war other than?

Don't go all melodramatic on us.

8:50 pm BlackHand attacked you and lost.
2008.May.07, 06:43 PM
Post: #76
biffbaffboff Wrote:Mud mud mud glorious mud!

the line to give me a beej is over there >>>
2008.May.07, 06:51 PM
Post: #77

8:50 pm BlackHand attacked you and lost.
2008.May.07, 07:14 PM
Post: #78
whats the sense in using ap and energy to fight someone you know you can beat why not fight someone on your lvl or is that to risky your afraid of losing some of you pride and precious gang points lol :roll:
2008.May.07, 07:16 PM
Post: #79
pfft close this

2008.May.07, 07:23 PM
Post: #80
they rather have no competition that is obvious