Jack Daniels Wrote:Replies should be made only by those who had the gnads to enter 
Before any battle, our resident analyst creates combat assessments, assessing enemy vulnerabilities and capabilities, along with their possible courses of action.
Through an in depth collection process, taking into account collection requirements and Intelligence gaps, we were able to create a very detailed and precise outline of enemy COA's and our best responses.
Doing so lead to the foresight that Bad Kidz would win, hands down, and bad babiez would take second. Most probably course of action in case of any enemy conflict would be for the highest level player to take out our highest level players, and let his lower levels then take out our lower levels. This would effectively prevent us from countering their rep farming. In Awakenedlands, 5 level 8's don't have any chance of beating a single level 14 who has decent stats and a decent weapon. So under these circumstances, it would be a bad decision to ignore such intelligence and base it off "gnads" (properly spelled "nads", the diminutive form of "gonads") and would only lead to our losing respect.
For this reason, Theafers chose wisely not to compete. Losing respect from a gang with 5 unlocked slots, is too much when the only thing to gain from it would be $15000.