No bullets?
2008.Jan.29, 01:41 AM
Post: #31
zenith Wrote:Attack Page Options Idea.

T-350 Shotgun <---- Selected
Battle Cestus

Attack Special
Standard Slugs
Armor Pierciing Slugs - $250
Explosive Slugs - $500
High Explosive Slugs - $1000

Attack Type

The most intuitive way to do this is to select one of the special attack options before you attack rather than have ammo / poison shops. If you don't have the cash on hand, the option is not available. Each of the above options would add to damage.

Problem here is the defender needs a way to pick special attack options as well, or it's merely a one-sided bonus for attackers only. Having ammo purchased at a different store to be used would kind of add to the grind level of combat that I would like to avoid.

Perhaps the defender automatically keeps cash on hand (mug!) and sets the special option choices and perhaps a percentage of cash on hand to devote to when attacked. Maybe even give the defender a lower cost for them since they really aren't in control of the attack.

Cost of specials would scale with power of weapon.

Just ideas.

lol inactives will have a hard time trying to defend when they cant choose XD
2008.Jan.29, 01:44 AM
Post: #32
could it be that the defender selects his option in advance? (or no defence option is applied) In the case that the defender is offline the defence cost is deducted from the bank for each attack until the money runs out.
2008.Jan.29, 01:51 AM
Post: #33
Or they just get one of them randomly for free Smile

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin
2008.Jan.29, 01:52 AM
Post: #34
free is good.... Biggrin we like free
2008.Jan.29, 02:47 AM
Post: #35
Well we all need to sleep so cant we assume that when a player goes offline that they would be having a nap? If we did that then anyone chosing an offline target already has a head start.Also the player being attacked im assuming wouldnt have the option to use better bullets (unless pre bought and equipped at all times).

What i mean to say here is if someone shoots at you you arent going to say hmm o wait he got armor piercing bullets here (he knows this as his armor is torn to shreds :roll: ) and then casually replaces the bullets in his own weapon to match the attackers bullets.

Basically if you buy better bullets and there equipped then they will be the defenders bullet of choice during a battle and if they dont have any equipped then its the bog standard ones used.

Yea it gives the attacker the slight advantage but we all know about revenge!
2008.Jan.29, 02:49 AM
Post: #36
Canosoup Wrote:Or maybe different fighting stances and styles the higher their dexterity is.

May need another thread on that one bud, that is a good idea..

Like a battle stance/defensive stance, pretty cool

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2008.Jan.29, 11:06 AM
Post: #37
Another option would be adding "charges" for defenders similarly to the Ares Belt, except each charge would last for the duration of a fight.

Also, for defenders, you could have "stances" that are always giving a particular bonus until you change to a different stance, and each stance would provide a bonus against 1 special attack type.
2008.Jan.29, 11:28 AM
Post: #38
what about poisons for melee.

you can even make them career abilities.

engineer makes ammo

scientist makes poison