AL Church?
2008.Jan.26, 05:36 PM
AL Church?
Post: #1
Just a random thought..what about an AL church where one could go, tithe some cash and gain some happiness pts? Like all TV evangelists seem to imply, if you give bigger, you'll get a bigger return on your happiness? Nondenominational, of course! Lemme know what ya think..

2008.Jan.26, 05:38 PM
Post: #2
We have a Preacher here somewhere, so seems only right to have a church too.
Maybe a Synagogue or Mosque too. :wink:

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2008.Jan.26, 05:44 PM
Post: #3
some type of "place of worship" would be kinda cool
2008.Jan.26, 05:45 PM
Post: #4
then zen wpuldd be loseing out on money, as people wont donate as much to gain happiness Wink
2008.Jan.26, 05:49 PM
Post: #5
well, the truly pious could give credits for a full up refill..

2008.Jan.26, 05:57 PM
Post: #6
There could be a career field for it, start as a friar and work your way to Pope Biggrin

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2008.Jan.26, 05:58 PM
Post: #7

2008.Jan.26, 05:59 PM
Post: #8
Then every month you'd have to pay some multi-million dollar lawsuit for the obvious. Not sure people would like that Smile

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin
2008.Jan.26, 06:01 PM
Post: #9
zenith Wrote:Then ever month you'd have to pay some multi-million dollar lawsuit for the obvious. Not sure people would like that Smile

LOLOL!! no altar boys in the AL churches???
2008.Jan.26, 06:04 PM
Post: #10
That's a mean stereotype lol

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