AL Church?
2008.Jan.26, 11:02 PM
Post: #31
carr9190 Wrote:I agree with Howlsong i dont think there should be a church in AL. I personaly dont mind cause i dont go to church. But i just wouldent like a church or any form of religious temple in AL if i were a church gower and i played AL.

Crystal Temple? Hmmm, I smell some thing fishy, hehe.

2008.Jan.26, 11:05 PM
Post: #32
[Image: jim_and_tammy_faye_bakker.jpg]
2008.Jan.26, 11:06 PM
Post: #33
wild thing!!!
2008.Jan.26, 11:09 PM
Post: #34
yeah i noticed that crystaltemple too a long time ago and i wondered why it was there.
2008.Jan.26, 11:15 PM
Post: #35
Remnant of the original code.

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin
2008.Jan.26, 11:21 PM
Post: #36
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so thats why.
2008.Jan.26, 11:29 PM
Post: #37
Rastas, send all your money to Ras TheyCallMeTheSloth, in return for an irie day.
2008.Jan.27, 09:34 AM
Post: #38
They should add some cars to make your happiness grow, I mean come on, everybody gets happy when they see a car, or a chick on top 8) hehe I joke I joke.
2008.Jan.27, 10:39 AM
Post: #39
Lets have a church, then I could go on some psychotic killing spree in the name of the Lord against all you heathens and sinners. My happiness boosted by the spirit of the Lord!! Hallelujah
2008.Jan.27, 10:59 AM
Post: #40
how about make churches so that when you attend you have increased happiness, but every time you commit a crime, you lose happiness, especially if you get caught, because in church, even if the people are messed up, they have no problem gossipping about you and rubbing it in because 99% of them are elitist and think they are better than everyone else.

and no i'm not ranting, but i think if a church were to really be implemented, then that would work. you could have increased gym gains, but essentially no means of getting cash. just like priests who dont have sex with children.