AlienaFerox Wrote:that's an imbecile idea, sorry to tell you :oops:
have it this way...
you're training like hell in the construction career, storing career points... and you go into the science career, and use what you learned in the construction career?
You use 2000 CPs to train intelligence? when it's obvious in the construction career they didn't teach you maths, chemistry or biology... sounds very, very ridiculous to me... Maybe I am a retard and say stupid things, but I can't even imagine what you said in the real life...
Above posts..... Nothing said use other points in different career fields.
If I still have CPs in medical and politics why can I not use them? I did the job. Just because I am not in that field anymore does not mean I forgot what I "Learned".
SO, would you two negative voters like to elaborate why you would not want to use CPs you already earned in other careers?
Would you not like to use your remaining CPs in the politics field (if you had any) to get a lower bail for a fellow gang member or a friend or heal a fellow gang member or yourself if you had CPs in the medical field even if you were currently doing another career path? Why have them stagnate or go to waste because you are doing something else???????
The above posts said using your current CPs in those fields where you earned them. As far as bricks for hideouts, your materials are already on site. If you had to leave, go to the store and get the materials your hideout would already be finished off.
As far as the manufacturing field goes, those "Excess Materials" are the CPs you have. You finish off those CPs in manufacturing charging those belts then you have "depleted your supplies". Same with medical, you finish off your CPs in that field healing yourself or your gang members then you have depleted your medical supplies and need to go back to the hospital (work again there) to get more.