They must not be able to handle people leaving? Why not, though? All they have to do is ask someone if they want to join, and they will join regardless. Well..unless they are loyal people. Don't get me wrong, Pestilence is a really good gang. I enjoyed my time there, I really did.
You being accused of being a spy is really a shock. Surprising some people who has the best player on their team shouldn't be worried about a spy. I know the consequences of a spy, but that 'spy' could easily be hospitalized. Just like MudPies when he made the mistake of attacking me and Shadowkid online, lmfao! That didn't work out to good. Thanks to Pestilence members for looking out for us. I think I speak for everyone when I say thank you for that, and that it'll never be forgotten.
Like I was saying..Pestilence shouldn't worry. I've known Shadowguard for a long time now, and I can gladly, and trustfully, say, that Shadowguard is loyal to every gang that he's in. And, once you earn his respect, it's really hard to break that, unless you do something stupid. Other than that, it does surprise me that Shadowguard was called a spy. I just wonder why Pestilence would say such a thing..