being accused of being a spy by anouther gang,lol,what a joke,if i was a spy the shadows would have known all the wars befroe they happened,but no i was true to pest .i asked to be allowed to return and help out my gangs,so now online attacks have been ordered,as i have said before,karma can always turn on you,but i am not and never spyed on pest,i feel everybody needs to know this
Thanks for all the info you gave me, I won't say a word to anyone...
That does pretty much royally bite there. One of the revolving presidents in pest I respect because he would always wait until I was offline before attacking. Others do not. I lost a gang war because they decided to declare on me after I was fighting the other gang. I wish it was back to where a gang could declare if they were below 50% on another gang as maybe I could get some points to upgrade the gang and have my members not constantly getting beaten in the attacks by another person who is a few levels below them at the least because they are in a gang that has many war wins and upgraded combat bonuses.
I guess I can always pick a gang each day or week and declare on them when they have members online so I at least drop below 50%. If I lose no biggie, if I win that's even better.
please don't get me wronge i respect and like all the pest members regardless,and i hope we have this matter resolved,but being accused of being a spy really shocked me
They must not be able to handle people leaving? Why not, though? All they have to do is ask someone if they want to join, and they will join regardless. Well..unless they are loyal people. Don't get me wrong, Pestilence is a really good gang. I enjoyed my time there, I really did.
You being accused of being a spy is really a shock. Surprising some people who has the best player on their team shouldn't be worried about a spy. I know the consequences of a spy, but that 'spy' could easily be hospitalized. Just like MudPies when he made the mistake of attacking me and Shadowkid online, lmfao! That didn't work out to good. Thanks to Pestilence members for looking out for us. I think I speak for everyone when I say thank you for that, and that it'll never be forgotten.
Like I was saying..Pestilence shouldn't worry. I've known Shadowguard for a long time now, and I can gladly, and trustfully, say, that Shadowguard is loyal to every gang that he's in. And, once you earn his respect, it's really hard to break that, unless you do something stupid. Other than that, it does surprise me that Shadowguard was called a spy. I just wonder why Pestilence would say such a thing..

shadowinc Wrote:please don't get me wronge i respect and like all the pest members regardless,and i hope we have this matter resolved,but being accused of being a spy really shocked me
Well, how shocked were you?
every1 Shadowguardis guilty naaa im joking no he is a good honuest player who ive known now for the time i have played this game he helped me so i know he ain't a spy i can't really see him spying but its all cleared up now

Spying is a part of this game m8 8) But im not saying you were

Yer well us Pesties will accuse anyone from a rival gang of being a spy.
I don't understand why you would join a gang for such a short space of time though, Pestilence isn't the type of gang which lets people come and go as they please. Obviouslly there's a time for people to move on but none of the BS is allowed. I can't see him being a spy though, but if he's, he got me lol.