2007.Aug.15, 11:04 PM
Post: #11
Don't get mad but are you sure you equipped your weapon and armor? Once again, it has been seen in the past.

Do you have acc or is it still at rating 0? You told us your other stats but not that 1.
2007.Aug.15, 11:24 PM
Post: #12
lol yes my weapons and armor are also equipped Razz and my accuracy is lvl 3.. though ive been told accuracy isnt needed if you have melee weapons and only applies to guns.. which unless this game has some seriously flawed mechanics Im sure that statem,ent is incorret after all strength dont mean squat if you cant lay a finger on the person youre trying to hit so I would thoink acuracy is just as important no matter what weapon type you may use.
2007.Aug.16, 12:24 AM
Post: #13
Accuracy, I do believe, is used for the chance at hitting someone. If you have a melee weapon, you should look towards strength and accuracy. Dexterity should be trained no matter what, due to it being how fast you swing/shoot, I do believe. If I'm wrong, I apologize. But..if you have a gun, work at Accuracy and Resistance, along with Dexterity.

That should be some good help to ya' for the future. Biggrin
2007.Aug.16, 02:30 PM
Post: #14
Just train all your stats, there problem's fixed.

All stats serves something in the game, you should never have 1 stats so much lower than the others.

Time to go training strength!
2007.Aug.17, 03:23 PM
Post: #15
WellI know players that have a T450 and their damage avearages against mutual opponents is pretty close to mine.

The only minor advantage that melee MAY( I emphasize the MAY!!!) have is that the damage that you inflict will continue to rise as you increase your strength. It is not a huge difference with every rating point but it is there.

As for attacking people while not at Full health. I do it all the time....some weaker players get all excited when they see I failed to beat them all of a sudden and they will attack me 2 or 3 times before they give up. I also tend to remove some of my gear and put on weaker gear to encourage people to attack me as you get a nice little bonus when you are attacked and win.
2007.Aug.17, 03:31 PM
Post: #16
Yer well I got a bollocking when I asked about full health. :cry: It must just be the way I look! Evil
2007.Aug.17, 09:32 PM
Post: #17
Saerin Wrote:I also tend to remove some of my gear and put on weaker gear to encourage people to attack me as you get a nice little bonus when you are attacked and win.

Haha. Nice one..
2007.Aug.17, 09:55 PM
Post: #18
Saerin Wrote:I also tend to remove some of my gear and put on weaker gear to encourage people to attack me as you get a nice little bonus when you are attacked and win.

How does your attacker know that you have taken anything off? What makes you look any different?
2007.Aug.18, 06:22 AM
Post: #19
Well they attack and win, then he puts his armor back on and they attack and loose, they think "ahh the loss was a one off, I battered him last time", attack him again and loose. lol
2007.Aug.18, 09:14 AM
Post: #20
badmanbren Wrote:Well they attack and win, then he puts his armor back on and they attack and loose, they think "ahh the loss was a one off, I battered him last time", attack him again and loose. lol

i bet the avatar does all the job Biggrin