Payouts, brackets & rules for 499er tournament posted
2007.Jul.25, 11:45 AM
Post: #101
that's Phamily

2007.Jul.25, 12:45 PM
Post: #102
thats a phix


Conrad attacked the Wranglers and Lost.

Fighting Phish since 2007
2007.Jul.25, 03:41 PM
Post: #103
ok so I can get my butt handed to me, congrats to w00k, great sportsmanship. He even bailed my neck out of the hospital. Thank you
2007.Jul.25, 05:27 PM
Post: #104
I just beat McCule for the level 8 semifinals. Who's ever in the finals on the other side of the bracket, let me know so we can get down to business tomorrow.
2007.Jul.25, 08:07 PM
Post: #105
Lots of battles done. Still a few to go. Here's an update.

[Image: lllevel8.jpg]

[Image: lllevel9.jpg]

[Image: lllevel10.jpg]

[Image: lllevel11.jpg]

[Image: lllevel12.jpg]

[Image: lllevel13.jpg]

[Image: lllevel14.jpg]

[Image: lllevel15.jpg]

[Image: lllevel16.jpg]

[Image: lllevel17.jpg]

[Image: lllevel18-19.jpg]

[Image: lllevel20-22.jpg]

*****************LEVEL 23-25 RESULTS PENDING*******************

[Image: lllevel26-38.jpg]
2007.Jul.25, 11:35 PM
Post: #106
Gratz to all the comp. winners again Smile
2007.Jul.26, 01:12 PM
Post: #107
Lots of the Bracket winners have already been determined. There are a few that are still incomplete and the multi-level challenges remain as well.

Here is a list with winners if completed:

Level 8 still competing

Level 9 still competing

Level 10 Altair #7556

Level 11 g2o2d4wp #7630

Level 12 CaptainBeefheart #5521

Level 13 Wathava

Level 14 ColonelForbin

Level 15 TheCookieMobster #6414

Level 16 Shadowdude #2135

Level 17 GeneralMing

Level 18-19 SlickRicculus #3958

Level 20-22 Mudpies #3426

Level 23-25 MaxZorin #2098

Level 26-28 Mahtareika

Level 33-34 ChiefEagle

Level 35 & up Chris

Congrats to all these winners, for those who haven't been paid yet once the final mult-level comps are complete cash will be disbursed.
2007.Jul.27, 09:42 PM
Post: #108
The level 8's are still dragging their feet on getting their matches complete but all the other winners have been decided and will be paid.

In addition to the level winners some multi-level winners have been decided.
From level 11-13 CaptainBeefheart
From Level 14-17 GeneralMing
2007.Jul.31, 04:43 PM
Post: #109
has the level 9/multi level competition stopped?
2007.Jul.31, 07:58 PM
Post: #110
Yes, but you can have a go at me again if you would like. Just shoot me an email and I will thump you again. Twisted

lol, kidding. But you can come at me though. Biggrin