I have seen and received the bad of the old system myself. I wouldn't go and say that the same 4 or 5 gangs to attack gets boring as I have receive "A FEW" declarations by you folks. NP I say. It's a game now anyone can win.
SEE, that LVL 6 won against the higher gang because he was active and they were not (so he says LOL J/K). I bet if I could catch SV and Poopstilence all offline I could beat them then. However, they have active players so I am sure that once you declare they will contact others and now you are toast. Many people play games and use MSN for talking/chatting and even strategizing. I did that in another online game when we had 19 members in the top 21 spots. Some of use "took the watch" and used our points and when an hour or two was up another logged in or we just sent our MSN messages out and then the hornet's nest was buzzing. HEHE
Be active, use MSN if you like, be active, ask other gangs also to assist if you like if you are offline, but most of all BE ACTIVE.