(2012.Apr.04 04:21 PM)filthymick Wrote: (2012.Apr.04 04:16 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: (2012.Apr.04 02:53 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: i am not thanking anyone for something that should have been done a year ago.
but this is definitely a good start.
and i didnt write the code, but the idea was definitely copy/paste/repaste...
oh well, i'll take it for now 
I wish he would copy and paste what the new skill actually does so I know what I'm training
highlight it on the skill screen, then read my above post.
im thinking it does something like that too.
i want to know if it is combined with your attack in 1 round, if you miss your attack is it still in effect, how often it works, how much damage it causes, does the skill increase its dmg, do other skills effect it.
i like to know everything