I AM SO MAD!!!!!!
2007.Jun.18, 08:50 PM
I AM SO MAD!!!!!!
Post: #1
Some jerk hopsitalized me, and then i get out, and he sends a message saying ha ha ha! you know what loser i am going to send u to the hospital again but for a longer time, go have fun in the hospital noob!
this makes me so angrey, i think there should be a button or a ignore list where you can stop people from attaking/mugging you, so they don't keep being a jerk, because i know right when i get out he is going 2 hospitalized me again because he whats to be a jerk.
this is so not fair, please fix this
2007.Jun.18, 08:54 PM
Post: #2
yea there are a bunch of "jerks" on this game.lol
2007.Jun.18, 09:05 PM
Post: #3
From what I play, this game is a bit posted on real life. If you could just 'ignore' someone in real life by pressing a button, life would be too easy. Lol.
2007.Jun.18, 09:06 PM
Post: #4
Who sent you the message? Email Zenith on this. I believe she will not take this lying down either if it continues.
2007.Jun.19, 02:48 AM
Post: #5
Or post his name here and let people have some fun with it. Ofc Zen should verify the message you claim to have received first lol.
2007.Jun.19, 05:01 AM
Post: #6
Take a s/s of the message and post it here. (don't post a huge image, just a link to it)

Zen can't do anything, it ain't against the rule to attack others but to hospitalize a newcomer does suck. Let us handle it. Twisted

Don't be angry, it's just a game , I learned that a while a ago. And no, this can't be "fixed", it's not a bug. :wink:
2007.Jun.19, 02:00 PM
Post: #7
somethin makes me not believe this kid
2007.Jun.19, 03:31 PM
Post: #8
it was mudpies! Everybody attack mudpies!
2007.Jun.19, 04:29 PM
Post: #9
abysmalpoptart Wrote:somethin makes me not believe this kid

i know what ye mean
2007.Jun.19, 05:06 PM
Post: #10
i mailed this new comer and asked who was attacking him. his reply: "The Guy who keeps hospitalizing me is BOMBERboy, and he is level5."