(2011.Jul.02 10:29 AM)HeadBustin Wrote: reduce hosp times on hospitilizations from high level players on low level players and vice versa. so if a level 50 hosps a level 10 they will receive minimal minutes (say 60-100min) but if a level 20 can hosp a level 30 they will receive maximum minutes (say 300-400)... mentioned by a gang member of mine.
I am not crazy about this. Here is why. The only reason I have for hospitalizing someone is to protect a gangmate and/or friend.
Take this example-
"Badperson" randomly hospitalizes "agangmate". They are near the same level. "agangmate" ends up with a 200+ min time in hospital. I, trying to inform "badperson" that this was a bad idea, hospitalize said "badperson". But I can only hospitalize them for 70 minutes. Not a deterent.