New AL Feature
2008.Mar.03, 06:17 PM
Post: #21
I think maybe it would be like a fight club type of thing but the losers health would go down to like serious condition so they don't have to go to the hospital.
2008.Mar.03, 06:32 PM
Post: #22
Upgraded Gang Description:

The ability to place a picture and/or music clip for all to see and/or hear.

Dissidence needs to have a team pic!

We already got a theme song.
2008.Mar.04, 12:41 AM
Post: #23
Job/skill/unusual items and weapons-
Say for example your a scientist and you have so many hours worked in science field or so many job points invested you could use a ray gun or something along those lines. I guess one way would be just to add different weapon concepts like a weapon totally reliant on intelligence. Maybe just a different variety would be nice like some mind control type device that could would have a 5% chance to make player attack themselves when equipped? Maybe a pair of gloves that increase chance to rob players by so much?A sweet way to implement these would be in a form of quest maybe. Like going to school , it would take so many days to do this quest, possibly decrease quest time by using job points???

I know this already goes on between players but npc mercenary hits. maybe not even npc hits but like public bounties on other players! Maybe like there could be at place you could visit that you could see the players that are wanted. Bouny hunters could hospitalize these players for cash rewards. Maybe if you recently escape from jail you could be put on this list and if you hospitalize these players you could send them back to jail for $$+ exp? the idea would definitely need to be refined but having a public place for bounties would add a nice twist on things.
2008.Mar.04, 07:23 AM
Post: #24
Super crimes. That is to say crimes that take team work, time, and planning. Multi-level crimes that have to be done in stages by diferent people at different times, fail to do the right thing at the right time and the crime fails. Every one connected to it goes to jail. Somthing like "the Brinks Job" Or other great crimes in history.
2008.Mar.04, 07:31 AM
Post: #25
if we get music on our profiles, make sure it's some Flash player.

that way I can block all that dB and wsp junk from hitting my ears with flash blocker.
2008.Mar.04, 10:59 AM
Post: #26
weapon abilities.

for example:

Ranged weapon: accurate - gives bonus to accuracy when using the weapon
Ranged weapon: amor piercing - has a chance to reduce the effect of armor

Melee weapon: Tearing - has a chance to cause a bleeding wound wear opponent takes a small amount of damage each round after the wound is inflicted.

Melee weapon: Shocking - has a chance to stun an opponent for 1 round. stunned opponents are hit easier and miss their next attack.

those are just examples and could be tweaked as needed.

Furthermore the addition of special ammunition(ranged) and poisoned weapons(Melee) could add even more flavor to the abilities.
2008.Mar.04, 11:06 AM
Post: #27
A bar, so you can drink yourself out, therefore lowering your health but increasing your reputation.

And, in the same bar, ability to pick a fight with another random drunk, at half the usual energy cost, but randomly.

Like a real bar! Kill him or get your arss kick!

:PLus, drunkest pantheon would come with it!
2008.Mar.04, 11:32 AM
Post: #28
bet on fights

seperate arenas are created for different levels. Ex: arena 1 = lvl 1-5, arena 2 = lvl 5-10, arena 3 10-15, and so on. now u go to that arena relative to your lvl and you put up X amount of cash. whoever wants to fight you can win or lose that cash. so lets say i'm lvl 14, and i wanna throw up 10k for a battle. only lvls 10-15 can choose to battle me or not, if i win i win 10k from them, if i lose i lose 10k to them. of course the arena would have a list of players waiting for people to challenge them.

Hell i'll even start it! i'll put up 10k bet from lvl 15-20! you cant be in a gang, i'll leave mine also. if u win u get 10k, if i win you better pay the F up! lol
stalemate = tie. any challengers?
2008.Mar.04, 11:42 AM
Post: #29
Great idea Mr. Whoa!
2008.Mar.04, 11:44 AM
Post: #30
"those are the only kinds i have"
-grandmas boy
- JP