(2011.Feb.03 02:21 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: (2011.Feb.03 02:13 PM)Denethor Wrote: (2011.Feb.03 07:48 AM)fngMalvos Wrote: (2011.Feb.02 09:57 PM)S2pmarine Wrote: GL with your war on people that have faith in other things besides man and no I do not think everything in the bible is true I know it has been rewritten to many times to believe
Aren't most wars between people of different faiths?
WWI between people who mostly shared the same faith.
Napoleonic wars between people who mostly shared the same faith.
Shogunate wars in Japan between people who mostly shared the same faith.
Wars in China during the time of multiple kingdoms between people who mostly shared the same faith.
War between North Vietnam and China shortly after the fall of Saigon between people who both believed in Karl Marx.
Peloponnesian War, 431 to 404 BC between peeps who both worshipped the Olympian pantheon.
Roman Civil Wars between people who both worshipped Roman deities.
I could go on and on if my snarkiness quota exceeded my boredom quota but the short answer to your question is "No." 
And be it noted that any reasonable study of history show that "wars of religion" seldom seem any worse than any other form of war. I have yet to come across any account of someone in Dresden or the Bataan March saying "Golly Gee, I'm so happy I died a miserable death in a secular war rather than a war of religion."
Doubtless, a surprising omission to some. u_u
wars of religion never truly end. war for land gain ends with someone taking it. wars of politics end when the winning side uses its power to destroy the previous government. war for most issues end when the winner is decided.
religious wars are the worst kind 100%. the fact they are all built behind lies and sheep like worshiping makes it even worse.
sheep go to heaven.
"wars of religion never truly end"
Oh? Then give me some evidence that the Third Sacred War is still going on between Thebes and Macedonia. Can't find any? Then I guess we've just disproven that one.
"wars of politics end when the winning side uses its power to destroy the previous government"
The way that Pol Pot did? Yeah, that particular atheist really showed us a wonderful way of ending a war of politics. ^o^
"war for most issues end when the winner is decided. "
So pay no attention to the fact that WWII was pretty much a sequal to WWI or that there is a reason that one war between France and England was called the "One Hundred Years War" with the name being an understatement? o_O
"religious wars are the worst kind 100%. the fact they are all built behind lies..."
Yeah, not like WWI and the Spanish-American War that were both started with such incredible truthiness, now is it? Hey, how many secular wars would you say *weren't* built behind lies? *snicker* ^~^
"sheep go to heaven"
And thus does Glenn tell us that atheists are dumber than sheep! ^_~