2007.May.19, 09:01 AM
Post: #41
the shootout says levels 1-19, but in this post it says 10-19, am I eligable or not?? really need to know.
2007.May.19, 09:47 AM
Post: #42
It is now acceptable for levels 1 to 19.

2 levels now

levelv 1 to 9
1st $50k
2nd 25k
3rd 25k

levels 10 to 19
1st 100k
2nd 50k
3rd 50k

Winner of the essay
2007.May.19, 10:57 AM
Post: #43
so how does this normaly work...I mean, I havent done one of these before..does accuracy or other attributes have to do with it? and how much does it normaly take to win..cause I dont want to waste my points if i dont have a shot at winning (cause you dont get any skills gains from it do you)?
2007.May.19, 12:51 PM
Post: #44
I have no idea how the poitns are calculated.
I do know that Zen made it so a level 1 can compete against a level 30+ as long as the level 1 puts in the required tiime and effort.

The only difference between this shootout and the 1st is that I am sponsoring it.
2007.May.19, 03:59 PM
Post: #45
This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Any living persons changing their names to match these are just looking for their 15 minutes of fame

This is Dirk "Indiana Jones" Pitt roving reporter with a news brief:

1. Infestation: Ongoing problems or is a solution near at hand?
2. Elders showing generosity to the city? Fact or Fiction.
3. In this age of Famine and PESTILENCE there seems to be new folks on the block. Who are they? What do they want? Why did they come here? We'll give the stories on our main newscast tonight. However, we will give you the names of the three we have now.

1. Pepe and his wonder mule Pepe.
2. "Gordo" Voratious and
3. PukkoSmellofDeath

This has been a one minute news brief. Now back to our regularly scheduled program Die Hard 12: Freedom for Decatur
2007.May.19, 05:11 PM
Post: #46
were are the rankings for the competition
2007.May.19, 05:33 PM
Post: #47
After last competition, I don't think there will be any more rankings being shown

If God is our father, you thought, then Satan must be our cousin
2007.May.19, 06:03 PM
Post: #48
the fact that there are no rank list has been mentioned and discussed many times here.
2007.May.19, 06:04 PM
Post: #49
Sorry Pimpsta101

No rankings, need to make sure that everyone gets a fair shot at it.
2007.May.19, 09:30 PM
Post: #50
This is Dirk Pitt on location with a description of the Vile Three heading your way:

PEPE: Looks like 200 years old,mumbling to either himself or his mule Pepeochio. May be screaming at nothing around him.

Voratious: Looks like three of the Fat Bastard characters put together from the Austin Powers 3 (old televid movie). You will hear him coming your way eating something. Don't be within reach of him when his hands are empty.

PukkoSmellofDeath: Looks like a combination of Sleptrock from the Flintstones (a 20th century televid), PigPen from the Charlie Brown cartoons (ditto), Chuckie (ditto again for a movie), all the garbage pail kids (toys from 20th century), and 3 month old dog food. You will smell him before you see him.

More news on our main show. Now back to our regularly scheduled program, Rocky 27: Rocky takes on Decatur's Geritol Plants.