You don't need to prove anything to me, Bender. You don't need to prove anything to anyone.

Stop getting so defensive, already. I'm going to find the date where Dingus hospitalize Howse eventually. We'll see who's right, even though you saying you're with EADP, then not with EADP, then you're with EADP again should be enough proof to know you're full of it.
I'd like to know one thing, though. Why're you fighting this war for them?
Edit: I like it when someone is watching out for me. Makes me feel special.
Sender : XXX [XXX] online
Date : 13 September 10 @ 12:40:03 am
Subject : Lol
You do realize they just admitted that it started before Pun came back?
(Today 11:26 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote:
(Today 11:24 PM)TheHorse Wrote:
Don't need it. It was the same day cheets realized how weak she was and begged Pun to come back. That's when it started.
It actually started before Punisher came back. Before you left H4H to help EADP. Of course, if I'm wrong, you'd be happy to prove it with the date Dingus hospitalized Howse.
"Because we all know that didn't happen. You started hosping for no reason, and now can't finish what you started. SV is a major fail. You lost your training gang, and had to beg Pun back so you'd have a chance."
I am pretty sure I read where Pun posted that this had given him a reason to come back.