i took a look at the item market today and as i looked at some of the outrageously overpriced common items, i could not help but wonder who actually posts these things and do they ever really sell. i mean come on. small stim for $100,000. Large stim for $270,000. i have only posted a few items over the years, but i could have sworn that i had to pay like 2% of the asking price, up front, whether the item actually sold or not. so who is paying $3,000 to list items that no one in their right mind would ever buy??
But then I thought... wait... does anyone ever buy these items??
so that is the point of this thread. to see what is the highest amount anyone has ever successfully sold overpriced items for on the item market.
My highest over priced item was a protein bar during a war. i think i made 750 profit on like 10 of them during a war for a grand total of a whopping $7500. As my 10 year old daughter would say, "BALLINNNNNNNG!!"