(2010.Jun.30 03:40 PM)Brugada Wrote: Scammer, cheater, idiot, loser, wanna be gangster, etc. Mock should hosp him for a month straight. 
Ok here we go once again (theres always one), lets go abit into detail here since you claim to know me so well.
How am i a
wanna be gangster?, lol coz i like eazy-e? or is it because infact you wish you didnt get bullyed in school by them,
Cheater why cos i two timed your mother? (i refuse to appoligise to her!),
Loser?, There are no winners and losers here in AL, We all lose in the end sometime to someone.
Scammer, errrm, no comment officer, i know my rights so i want my phone call and lawyer before i make a statement.
Idiot, well yes i do like to do silly things at times, but hey!, dont we all?, i mean look at u, ur making an idiot of yourself right now on this poll arent u? lol
and the
ect part u added that just to pretend you had more stuff about me to make your post look better lol
Overall i understand that Brugadas only freinds and life are in AL and he doesnt understand the difference between a text-based game and his real life (try moving away from the computer sceen for a break to get some fresh air, it does wonders) thats why he gets so upset and holds such grudges from over 1 YEAR AGO but its ok i understand that Brugadas just a big cry baby that wants to hit someone weaker to make himself feel more of a man

i know deep down inside that upset broken little heart Brugada loves me really and we are just one big happy family here trapped in the world of AL.
Anyway i must go now, i have a plane to catch, and someones mother to meet, big kiss