(2010.Jul.06 05:34 AM)Denethor Wrote: (2010.Jun.21 04:36 AM)jamiewhite Wrote: im not sure if this has been said before but having two of the same weapons equipped as in hideout weapon and combat weapon because im a lbm user but use axe for hideouts would be good if i could equip them both at the same time what you think ?
OK, I'm up because I couldn't sleep and intend to go back when I've posted this so it may be that my logic circuits aren't working properly(In fact given my level of groginess it probably is! *^_^*), but if they're both the *same* weapon then why would you want to be using 2 instead of just one? Why wouldn't you use just the one weapon for both? Would this be like Florentine fencing where the fencer used either a rapier in each hand or a rapier and main gauche combination? @_@
They aren't the same. Axe hits hideouts well, and is alright in PvP and Longblade is good in PvP, but hits hideouts for shit.
(2010.Jun.21 05:01 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: yea batginas best hit on me was 3 then i resisted 280 of it and he ended up killing himself.
Funny. I recall you biting off on him fairly recently