we need to add more upgrades. upgrades that affect players, not gang wars (i.e. YOU CAN WIN MORE WARS BETTER). thats so pointless. add something like WIN MORE GANG WARS, BUY:
--> better gym gains (.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, etc etc etc)
--> Happiness/hp recovers quicker (+2/+10,+4/+20, etc)
a special coating for your weapons!!
--> Better chance for a critical hit (+.25%, +.5%, +.75%, etc)
A Kegerator!!!
--> Reduce incoming damage for PvP (-5, -10, -15, etc)
all of this stuff is for your hideout!
they can be an expensive use of gang points that actually affect the game itself, not the game within a game (wars). wars should actually affect the game, which it only does through the use of combat rating. with stuff like this, wars would be more useful. thank you!