Mail from an unknown player...
2007.Apr.12, 07:03 AM
Post: #141
Blockbuster has no late fees these days. You can rent a season and take a week or two to watch it and its cool.
2007.Apr.12, 07:48 AM
Post: #142
I'm lovin netflix at the moment. =] dont have to even bother with going to the video store. Just queue up a big list of stuff i wanna see and every few days i get new ones after i send the others back!
2007.Apr.12, 02:27 PM
Post: #143
point taken..

but my main point was this : no matter how much you train in a short time period, there are realistic limits as to the extent of your gains. not to mention in real life there is a risk of overtraining, etc.

but yeah, this is a game. you're right. Smile
2007.Apr.12, 02:44 PM
Post: #144
I haven't tried Netflix yet. The only downfall to that seems to be having to wait for movies to arrive by mail rather than having the option to go and get one whenever you want.
2007.Apr.12, 02:59 PM
Post: #145
I used to have Netflix, it is good. You do have to wait for the movies in the mail, but the turnaround was only a few days. Plus you can keep it forever, which I don't think is the case for blockbuster.
2007.Apr.12, 03:30 PM
Post: #146
I saw a commercial where blockbuster has a mail service just like netflix now, the only difference is you can also go to the store and turn in your dvds-by-mail for new ones instantly. kinda have a leg up on netflix (though BB is more expensive i here)
2007.Apr.12, 04:02 PM
Post: #147
Enough offtopic nonsense, stay on topic or post somewhere else please.

Key to success: "Dress everyday like you're gonna get murdered in those clothes.
2007.Apr.12, 04:12 PM
Post: #148
I think this is the new "on-topic."
2007.Apr.12, 04:15 PM
Post: #149
I agree.....
2007.Apr.12, 04:19 PM
Post: #150
So back to topic.......

Yes Geek, Blockbuster does offer a similiar program now all while still giving you the opportunity to use the same account by going to the store and renting a movie if you had rather not wait a day or two for your movies to arrive. So in my opinion......

Blockbuster > Netflix