Mail from an unknown player...
2007.Apr.11, 05:44 PM
Post: #131
I watch baseball, but too early in the season to get involved. Still in basketball and hockey mode for me.
2007.Apr.11, 05:46 PM
Post: #132
hydro9226 Wrote:Friday night fights is better but I heard it can influence people into becoming violent...

I haven't watched friday night fights........I assume it is boxing yes?
2007.Apr.11, 05:47 PM
Post: #133
NBA Basketball sucks. Basketball season ended with the NCAA tournament. Hockey sucks as well for obvious reasons.
2007.Apr.11, 05:50 PM
Post: #134
Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it sucks.
2007.Apr.11, 05:58 PM
Post: #135
haha... that quite possibly may be it.

My opinion still remains.... hockey sucks.

Now, back on topic.......

Have you ever watched 24?
2007.Apr.11, 06:06 PM
Post: #136
No, heard good things about it though. I have never been one to watch those recurring weekly shows (24, Lost, etc.).
2007.Apr.11, 06:34 PM
Post: #137
The first couple of seasons are available for rent at Blockbuster. You should rent them sometime.
2007.Apr.11, 06:46 PM
Post: #138
Jack Daniels Wrote:Now, back on topic.......

Have you ever watched 24?

Subject: Mail from an unknown player...

2007.Apr.12, 12:19 AM
Post: #139
I would if I actually had time to watch them. I'd end up watching 1 episode and then have to return it.
2007.Apr.12, 12:19 AM
Post: #140
did u see the south park episode? :/