(2017.Mar.11 11:33 AM)SuperDave Wrote: (2017.Mar.10 10:42 PM)SuperDave Wrote: (2013.Nov.20 03:23 PM)SuperDave Wrote: (2010.May.17 01:05 PM)zenith Wrote: I've never known anyone so utterly persistent to play a game. It boggles my mind that someone would donate after getting fed jailed.
You've filled our support site up with tickets with one excuse after another. I do have to admit that your latest reason does sound legit, and after going over the logs with a fine-toothed comb it actually adds up. Unfortunately, with all the other excuses and actions since you were banned I don't know if I can trust you, even with an excuse that is reasonable.
I wish your latest excuse would have been the only excuse. If it was, you'd be in the clear and one of the other two who were banned initially with you would officially be thrown under the bus. But to ignore the months of countless excuses to finally believe the last one is tough. On one hand I want you to play because you seem to really enjoy the game. On the other hand I don't feel you have much respect for the rules that the rest of the community follows.
So I don't know. Can you be trusted? Can the community trust you? I can't say yes to either one without doubt.
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