Cyber chop shop
2007.Mar.25, 06:06 PM
Cyber chop shop
Post: #1
what exactly does +1 entail? is it +1 stat lvl?
2007.Mar.25, 06:10 PM
Post: #2
no one really knows, its just a modifier of some sort.
2007.Mar.25, 06:25 PM
Post: #3
we'll find out once we all get out of the hospital. =P

k, thanks.
2007.Mar.25, 06:40 PM
Post: #4
Does the 0 out of 8 mean how many times you can upgrade?
2007.Mar.25, 06:44 PM
Post: #5
yeah, i think you can recieve that upgrade a total of 8 times. We'll have to wait and see if that hinders you from recieving an upgrade of another quality for the same stat once you max out.
2007.Mar.25, 06:51 PM
Post: #6
So if you do the lower eye thing can you do the more expensive eye one later on?
2007.Mar.25, 07:00 PM
Post: #7
dont know yet.
2007.Mar.25, 07:04 PM
Post: #8
yeah, give it 24 hours or so, there will be plenty of information by that time.
2007.Mar.25, 07:07 PM
Post: #9
To answer a few questions...

You can purchase the same implant multiple times. Each time will be +1 to the stat, and will cost the same amount of humanity. The price will increase each rating point similar to the cost of upgrading gangs.

You can purchase any combination of cyberware. Since they are all slightly different, each one will benefit from the other as every cyberware option uses some form of computers and synthetic human tissue. Remember though, your humanity level is extremely slow at increasing, so you will have to balance your purchases with your humanity rating.

The rating is a bonus to your natural stat rating. So a +1 accuracy is a plus 1 to your accuracy rating. Buy it again and you get another +1. Your max modifier to any stat is 50% of your natural rating rounded down.

Tie-breakers in combat will always favor natural ratings. Weapon requirements are based on natural ratings as well, so no one can just buy their way to the top.

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin
2007.Mar.25, 07:09 PM
Post: #10
or you could wait 2.4 minutes for Zen to post and clear thing up, lol.