Save The Elders Fund
2007.Jan.04, 02:32 PM
Post: #32
The Elders Saga Continues

For those of you to lazy to read the prior posts ill sumarize for you.

Lostaangel was last seen kicking Sarge on the head

Sarge was on the floor with a broken walker and what we can only call the
TripsT Last Supper all over him.

TripsT after having finished his Apple Flavored Baby food was Swinging from
An overhead water pipe and slinging his poop all over the place.

Sam I Am was running around the lunch room with no shirt on scarring the Awakened Land player
With the wrinkles and folds,

Berry and Chris were holed up in the padded room with an assortment of new and used bed pans,wigs from Hairclubs for men and assorted grooming material for both human and live stock .

Jubei was sitting in the local house of Paindeer Jail awaiting sentencing form the ministry of offensive odors and dentureless Elders of Indahouse .His Royal Heeness Santa Clawless

So this pretty much brings you up to speed.

Our sponsors for the show are the

Wack and Elder game, “Y play Alone , bring a friend and join the fun”
VIATAwhata pills “1 pill a day , lets you pounce on santas BAD Paindeers and comeout a wiener”
Anti-TripsT bio suit, dont leave home without it. Or the TripsT poo will get you.

That is an update we will now return to our regularly scheduled program. But stay tuned wit live updates as they come available

Messages In This Thread
Save The Elders Fund - Nightrain - 2007.Jan.03, 01:35 PM
[] - LordSkie - 2007.Jan.03, 01:40 PM
[] - Nightrain - 2007.Jan.03, 01:42 PM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2007.Jan.03, 01:44 PM
[] - Chris Mangano - 2007.Jan.03, 01:52 PM
[] - Nightrain - 2007.Jan.03, 01:54 PM
[] - LordSkie - 2007.Jan.03, 02:07 PM
[] - Lostangel - 2007.Jan.03, 02:08 PM
[] - Nightrain - 2007.Jan.03, 02:10 PM
[] - matt5250 - 2007.Jan.03, 02:11 PM
[] - Nightrain - 2007.Jan.03, 02:23 PM
[] - Nightrain - 2007.Jan.03, 02:29 PM
[] - Chris Mangano - 2007.Jan.03, 03:07 PM
[] - LordSkie - 2007.Jan.03, 03:18 PM
[] - matt5250 - 2007.Jan.03, 03:20 PM
[] - matt5250 - 2007.Jan.03, 03:27 PM
[] - oddjob - 2007.Jan.03, 03:47 PM
[] - LordSkie - 2007.Jan.03, 03:57 PM
[] - Nightrain - 2007.Jan.03, 04:07 PM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2007.Jan.03, 04:29 PM
[] - Nightrain - 2007.Jan.03, 04:42 PM
[] - matt5250 - 2007.Jan.03, 05:53 PM
[] - oddjob - 2007.Jan.03, 07:18 PM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2007.Jan.03, 07:32 PM
[] - Nightrain - 2007.Jan.03, 07:45 PM
[] - matt5250 - 2007.Jan.03, 08:12 PM
[] - brythompson - 2007.Jan.03, 08:21 PM
Just laugh - Monk205 - 2007.Jan.03, 08:24 PM
[] - matt5250 - 2007.Jan.03, 08:38 PM
[] - Nightrain - 2007.Jan.03, 09:46 PM
[] - matt5250 - 2007.Jan.03, 09:50 PM
[] - Nightrain - 2007.Jan.04 02:32 PM
[] - Nightrain - 2007.Jan.04, 02:55 PM
[] - oddjob - 2007.Jan.04, 03:07 PM
[] - Nightrain - 2007.Jan.04, 03:37 PM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2007.Jan.04, 03:50 PM
[] - zenith - 2007.Jan.05, 12:26 AM
[] - Dracon - 2007.Jan.05, 09:21 AM
[] - Dormagonn - 2007.May.12, 03:19 AM
[] - Scorpious - 2007.May.12, 03:41 PM